MGMT 181

Creative problem-solving

According to Ken Robinson, creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. It is a process; it’s not random.


Being creative isn’t always easy. It is often difficult to encourage creative thinking from a team.  One of the best ways to get better results from the team is by conducting brainstorming sessions and welcoming the bad ideas too.

Brainstorming sessions:


Brainstorming is an approach to problem-solving with lateral thinking in a relaxed and informal approach. During brainstorming sessions, people should avoid criticizing or rewarding ideas. We try to open up possibilities and break down incorrect assumptions about the problem’s limits. Judgment and analysis at this stage stop idea generation and limit creativity.

Once the ideas are copied, we try to evaluate the ideas and explore solutions further, using conventional approaches.


During my work experience as a Civil Engineer. I worked for a company called Ecoren energy India private limited, which is into the generation of electricity using wind turbines. As a civil engineer, my role was to erect the wind turbines. Usually, the turbines are installed at a higher altitude, where the speed of the wind is very high. To do the construction of wind turbine foundations, we need to construct the roads for transportation. Our project got struck with the construction of the road as the entire project area is hilly terrain.

To overcome this, we conducted a few brainstorming sessions and asked everyone to come up with ideas, irrespective of the judgment. We have generated at least 50 opinions in a day. Many of them were good. We did find it challenging to get the best idea. The other day we did grab all the opinions and tried to cluster similar ideas, made a Hitlist of them. While we were going through the list, we tried to decide on the approaches by conducting small voting on each hitlist. We finally got the three best ideas we can work on for our project.

Source: Original; Use of Core Drilling machines and breaking the hills.

Some of the best ideas are the use of explosives to blast the hilly terrains, the use of core driller machines, the use of excavators, outsourcing the work to an external contractor.

We have decided to use all the above ideas for different terrains. For example, out of 10 turbine locations, we have outsourced a subcontractor for three places, the use of explosives at 4 locations, use of core drilling machines for the other three points.

Source: Original. The above picture determines successful completion of roads and leveling of the road progress.

The above methodology has helped us in landing with three great ideas and finish the project within the estimated schedule.

Source: Original.

The above picture represents the successful start for the construction of wind turbine foundations after laying of roads.


MGMT 181


The Covid-19 pandemic has hit across all the countries. We fell prey to coronavirus not only in terms of health but also in terms of economy and finance. To prevent the spread of coronavirus country have imposed a lockdown. Likewise, Canada is one of those countries that announced its lockdown on March 18, 2020. With the lockdown of the aviation industry, students were in a state of turmoil as they have to cancel their plans to travel to Canada. I am one of those international students who was excited and making all the travel arrangements for my May 2020 classes. The pandemic has caused an uncertain situation in many ways to all of us.


Yes, no one prepared for such uncertainty. We all know that; periods of uncertainty are unavoidable. We should learn to look forward to them and love them. If not, we shall fear them when they come.

Tips to overcome uncertainty situations:

TIP 01 : Take control of the circumstances



When things do not support, there is a possibility that we get worried and allow the stress to control the situation. The aforementioned creates havoc and distress in life. It is encouraged to stay stable and reliable. Identify the aspects you can manage and build an objective and plan the goals accordingly. 

In the above Pandemic situation, student tobe advised to stay and calm and plan for the future by deferring their program or course to the next intake.

Tip 02: Create a plan:

Source :

Once you get the situation in control and objectify the goals. Create a plan to achieve the goals. Analyze different possibilities to achieve your goals. In our case, the goal is to defer the program to the next intake. The probability of a student to succeed is by approaching the International admissions department and requesting to defer for the next admission.  

Tip 04: Open to surprises


While planning to reach your goals in uncertain situations, be sure to be open to surprises. Not all ways lead you towards the goals. There will be a few hindrances too. When you overcome such shocks, be sure to prepare yourself. For instance, in this case, while you have requested to defer your intake, there are chances that the International admission department might reject your deferment as the admissions were packed.

Tip 04: Accepting the risks:


When there is uncertainty, there are risks. We must learn to minimize them and accept those you cannot eliminate. Since the deferment got rejected, we need to admit that you can not get your application for the next intake. While you can minimize the risk by opting for an online program provided by the college and continue with the current admission or try to defer your application for next year. The close option for you is to continue your current semester online so you can save time and money to achieve your goals.

MGMT 181

Project Management

A brief description about Project Management is explained in the blog.

Project Management is the process of leading the work of a team to achieve goals and meet success criteria at a specified time. The primary challenge of the project management is to achieve project goals with in given constraints. The primary constraints of the project management are scope, time, quality and budget.

A project is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product or service with a defined beginning and end date to meet objectives and goals.

The detailed description of the project management constrains are discussed below:

Time : Scheduling is a collection of techniques used to develop and present schedules that show when work will be performed.

Cost : Managing and acquiring necessary funds

Quality : Understanding the project requirements tp drive the deliverables.

The core components of project managenemt are:

1.Defining project scope and objectives

2.Defining project requirements, specifying the quality deliverables.

3. Defining an estimated budget and timeline for completion of the project.

4.Executing the project as per the project plan

5. Monitoring and controlling the progress of the project.

6. Managing the risks, issues and changes in the project.

7. Closing the project in a scheduled timeline.

Importance of project Management:

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills. tools and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. Project management enables organisations to execute projects effectively. Projects are a key way to create values and benefits in organisation. The business environment is dynamic with an accelerating rate of change. To remain competitive in the market, companies are embracing project management to consistently deliver business value.

MGMT 181



Most of the people often believe that Health and Fitness are the same. They are closely related to one another. Besides, in reality, they are separate states of physical being. You can be fit but not healthy. You can be healthy and not fit (Gherardi Romain, 2020).

What do you mean by fit?

Fit people have well-built endurance, great strength, and the ability to perform athletic activities. They have a substantial physique. But they get tired effortlessly if their robustness is not following physical activity, as they have been pushing their muscles too much.

What do you mean by Healthy?

Healthy people have all the systems functioning well in their bodies. They don’t fall sick because of the immune power they build. Healthy people have more energy and do not feel weak. They have good psychological well being.

Let us see the differences between healthy and robustness (Simpson Meagan, 2015):


How can you have both?

Now that we have known the differences between Fitness and Health. Now, one has to stay healthy and be fit. All of us must move our bodies like doing physical activity and eating suitably to keep us healthy.

What Physical activity can you do to be FIT?

To be hale and hearty you should use both glycogen and oxygen as a primary source of fuel. The activities that help you to be FIT are Aerobic and Anaerobic.

Aerobic Activity:


Aerobic means oxygen. The activities you can perform using Oxygen is called as Aerobic exercises. These activity examples are running, cycling, walking, swimming. While performing these sports we activate our hearts, lungs, blood vessels, and aerobic muscles. By doing aerobic activities and eating nutritional food help you to burn fat and be healthy.

Anaerobic activity:


Anaerobic means no oxygen. These are the exercises that produce a short burst of power.  Anaerobic activities are powerlifting, sprinting, interval training workouts, Plyometrics. These exercises use glycogen as the primary fuel. Improper nourishment can cause the body to store fat and feel depleted of energy at some point.



Healthy food is key to a healthy life. Well, the balanced ailments and consuming enough amounts of Carbohydrates, Fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming food with proper nutrition provides energy and enables the body to be stable and efficient.


A healthy and robust life is obtained by training our metabolism. Doing Physical activities and eating healthy foods will keep our body fit and healthy. Everyone should adopt this as a part of lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle leads to well-being and have strong Immunity. Strong immunity keeps you away from all the diseases and fight from all kinds of virus and bacteria.

Stay Healthy and Stay Fit. Keep eating Veggies 😊


Gherardi Roamin (2020,08,16) Believe in yourself- A simple tip to change the world

Simpson Meagan (2015,05) Do you know the difference between fitness and health? Human Anatomy

MGMT 181

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