Your Brand Matters

In this Post I’m going to talk a bit about the RBC Future Launch at home Personal Brand Workshop conducted by Ruston Haines (Rusty) on February 15th this year at Fleming College and a few things that I picked up on and began to implement from this workshop.

3 of the main things that I learned and began to implement in my life are:

  • Develop how I present Myself.
  • My Professional presence.
  • My Personal Brand and why it Matters.

Expanding a bit further on each of these

1. Develop how I present Myself:

Rusty Spoke about how the way we present our self whenever we are in a professional or social environment matters a lot and how by being a conscious of what you do and how you present yourself can go a long way in improving how other perceive you and your Personal Brand.

2. My Professional presence:

3 of the nonverbal signals that matter a lot when you present yourself in a social or professional environment are:

  • Your Body language: Just by observing your Body language people can discern if you are confident with yourself or nervous. which matters a lot when you are in a position of leadership or responsibility.
  • Your Speech pattern: The way in which you speak also matters a lot. if you are not loud or confident in what you’re saying people often tend to take you for granted and not pay any attention to what you have to say.
  • Dress according to the occasion: If you are not dressing for the occasion, you often tend to stand out and this can negatively affect how other perceive you and Your Brand.

3. My Personal Brand and why it Matters:

  • Consistency: Your image of yourself that you portray to the world needs to be consistent.
  • Unique: It needs to be Unique and Authentic; something that sets you apart from everyone else so you Standout.
  • Others define you: It is how you define yourself and what impression/Message you leave behind and how other define you when you’re not in the room.

Thank You for taking the time to read through this short post on Your Brand. Leave a Comment if I was able to inspire you to improve your brand. Please find a link to my LinkedIn Profile and a brief Video about me pitching myself attached below.


Video Link:


  1. Image by Michelle Koebke from Pixabay
  2. Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash
  3. Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

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