Part-Time Opportunities

Potential part-time jobs available in Peterborough.

Part-time job opportunities for international students in Peterborough, especially around Fleming College, can be a great way to gain work experience, earn extra income, and enhance your skills while studying in Canada. There are even nearby cities like Port Hope and Cobourg where 50% of the students work and an average of 75% of Fleming students are employed.

Both on and Off-campus campus jobs are available for international students here :

Opportunities for On-Campus jobs:

  • Work-study programs are provided by numerous schools and universities, including Fleming College. These employment, which include administrative, research, and library assistants, are frequently part-time work on campus.
  • Possibilities could be found at the college’s on-campus dining options, bookstore, or recreation centers. There are coffee shops like Subway and Tim-Hortons inside the campus where you can apply for the job.
  • Consider working as a tutor or peer mentor if you are very good in a certain field. These jobs are frequently offered by academic divisions.
  • Participate in groups or organizations for students like the SAC team and Enactus Team in Fleming College. Some of them may provide paid jobs in event planning or leadership responsibilities.

Opportunities for Off-Campus jobs

  • If you live near College, consider working in Landsdowne, the town with the closest stores, supermarkets, and shopping centers. International students frequently choose to work in retail.
  • Part-time employees, such as servers, kitchen assistants, and baristas, are frequently hired by cafes, restaurants, and fast-food chains. McDonald’s is the other favorite place for people to find jobs which is located in 4 places in Peterborough.
  • Babysitting or being a nanny can be a flexible part-time job option and the basic pay for the job is above 18$, which can be a good earning for students.
  • Some international students decide to work as delivery drivers for food delivery platforms or for ridesharing services like Uber and even Domino’s and Papa John’s hire students for food delivery.

Important points to note for International Students:

  • Most of the Jobs can be seen on Indeed. Students can see who is hiring on indeed and the next day they can directly go to the store and give resume in hand to increase the priority of getting the job.
  • According to Canadian immigration laws, international students are permitted to work part-time jobs while they are enrolled in classes, both on and off campus and the working hours will be mentioned in the Study Permit.
  • Bring up the fact that in order to work in Canada, overseas students normally need a study permit with work authorization. Make sure the pupils understand that they must get this permit.
  • For help in locating off-campus employment and information on on-campus opportunities, contact the career services or student employment office of the college.
  • To prevent employment from interfering with their studies, students should make sure that their work commitments align with their academic obligations.