Brand Matters: Profile Matters

The “Your Brand Matters” program, organized by Keys to Me and led by RBC, was something I just got to attend. Especially in professional settings like interviews, this thought-provoking workshop explored the significance of personal branding and leaving a lasting impression. I outline the main lessons I learned from the workshop below, along with a sneak peek at the elevator pitch I created.

Figure 1

When and where: The session was held on 12th Feb 2024 at Fleming college, Sutherland campus offering good first impression during interviews and explained contents of elevator pitch .

Topic: “Your Brand Matters” “Rock your Profile”

Facilitators: 1) Raegan 2) Brian

In the context of generating a good first impression during interviews, the workshop’s main focus was on the importance of personal branding. Designed to give students the tools they needed to effectively communicate their value proposition, the workshop was led by RBC team.

Lessons learned:

I have got good information about branding among which the three main lessons learned are as follows:

1)Creating an Engaging Elevator Pitch: Developing a succinct and captivating elevator pitch was deemed as one of the workshop’s most significant takeaways. A person can make a lasting impression on prospective employers or industry professionals by using this brief introduction as a formidable tool to quickly convey their strengths, experiences, and goals. Emphasis was placed on the need for a great elevator pitch to be audience-specific, displaying enthusiasm and passion for the business along with relevant accomplishments and capabilities.

2)Authenticity and Brand Alignment: Understanding the importance of authenticity in personal branding was another important lesson. In order to create a brand that is authentically them, attendees were urged to consider their own qualities, hobbies, and values. Individuals can develop rapport and trust in professional relationships by remaining true to their original identity. This allows them to gain credibility and form genuine connections with others.

3)Continuous learning: The program emphasized the significance of ongoing education and flexibility in enhancing an individual’s personal brand. It’s critical to keep up with changes in the sector, pick up new abilities, and seize growth chances as the professional landscape changes. Individuals can position themselves as important assets in today’s dynamic workforce by showcasing their agility and resilience and displaying a desire to learn and adapt.

Elevator pitch video:

After attending this workshop, I have created my elevator pitch video and you can access it here

Referring Friend:

I went to this course with friends who are also interested in creating the higher pitch. I think they have done a great job in this area, so for your reference, I’m including their blog article links here.

My LinkedIn profile:

Thank you.

Image source: Figure 1 :

6 responses to “Brand Matters: Profile Matters”

  1. Efforts are remarkable! So informative and well explained. Looking forward to seeing more knowledgeable content like this.

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