Profile of Shaundra Mohammed

Shaundra and The Patch

(Competencies shown below assignment)

The person I have chosen to write about is someone that I consider to be a great inspiration. I have not known this person for more than a year, yet they have affected me as if I have known them my whole life. This person’s name is Shaundra Mohammed and I am so proud to call her my friend.

I met Shaundra after discovering the store, and I could not stop myself from going in every time I passed, even just to say hello.

Shaundra is only 23, and already the manager of a downtown boutique called The Patch (The Patch, 2018). The Patch sells vintage, new, and used clothes, as well as jewellery, shoes, and other accessories. It is my favourite store in all of Peterborough and the atmosphere is always welcoming. It is located at 400 George Street North, right across from CIBC.

(Store is closed circa February of 2019).

I made an appointment with Shaundra to meet her as she was finishing up work. I got into her car and was greeted by her lively and excited little boy, and her boyfriend who was driving.

I was very excited for the interview, yet very nervous because I had never done a profile before. Shaundra seemed very excited to tell me her story.

I proceeded to ask Shaundra about her life prior to becoming a manager.

She was born in 1995 and grew up in Etobicoke, which is in western Toronto. She was raised primarily by her grandparents, who are, to this day, still a great inspiration in her life.

A huge turning point in her life was when she became pregnant at only 18. She wasn’t sure how to proceed, but she had decided to keep her son, and that decision saved her life.

When times got very rough, and she was even hospitalized for mental health issues, her son was her main motivation to work towards getting better. It took a lot of hard work to get where she is right now mentally.

We held the interview in her bedroom, which was nothing short of a dream in terms of clothing and décor. I was welcomed to sit at her desk and set up my laptop. To my left was a clothing rack filled with beautiful sweaters and jackets. To my right was a shoe rack and a gorgeous, tall, silver mirror.   I could barely get over how lovely her room was, and how clean her apartment was, especially when I compared it to mine. I wanted to stay in her room forever. The color scheme was white, grey, and pink, with glossy wood floors. She had 2 dressers, the previous mentioned clothing rack, and a closet full of clothes. Most might expect they are all expensive, designer clothes, but she is just really great at thrifting!

After finally coming to terms with how wonderful her room is, I proceeded with the interview once again. Shaundra was laying on the bed and her son crawled up next to her and quietly played games on her phone. I had no idea what I was doing, to be honest. I had no idea what to ask her, so I started with the basics.

“Can you give me a brief overview of what it is you do as Manager?” I said.

“I’m responsible for making the schedules and filling out spreadsheets that are in relation to profit loss and profit gain, which is something the other employees don’t do. I am also responsible for ordering any clothing or merchandise for the store, which includes a lot of jewelry as well…the inspirations for our style come from Hollywood and L.A. (S. Mohammed, personal communication, 29 October 2018)” replied Shaundra.

I then asked her what most motivates her as a manager.

“My passion, and I know that being a parent a lot of people would say, my kid, and he is my motivation for a majority of things, but if I didn’t have a passion and love and desire for clothing; to want to be around clothing, then I wouldn’t be good at my job. That motivates me to continue to do what id do. I have never gone to work and been like, aww I don’t want to be here or I hate my job, I have never said I hate my job. That’s the difference…I love clothing, I love fashion, I love to know what’s trending…and put my creative spin on it (S. Mohammed, personal communication, 29 October 2018)”

I agreed with Shaundra 100%. I think passion is so important in everything we do as human beings.

Every time I enter the store, I’m greeted by Shaundra in the best way. I can feel her energy for what she does. She knows how to make people feel beautiful in the clothes she sells, and I know she, and the store, are greatly appreciated by Peterborough. I have made so many friends in that store, and talked to so many people. It is such a welcoming place!

I am greatly inspired by how Shaundra got to her position at The Patch while being a single mother. She applied to the job multiple times but kept getting turned down. Finally one day, she applied in person and they asked her when she could start. She has only been working there a year!

A lot of hard work and determination went into Shaundra’s success, not just at the store, but in her life as a mother and an independent woman. Shaundra is such an inspiration to me and I am so proud of her!


The Patch. (2018). Home: The Patch. Retrieved from The Patch Fashion:

Mohammed, S. (2018, October 29). Personal Interview

Competencies Proven:

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                             

Professional Development


Verbal and non-verbal







Ecological perspective

Family systems