
Professionalism has four sub-domains and those are ethics, professional development, supervision, and diversity.

Ethics involves the codes and conducts that a CYCP must follow on a daily basis, as well as in difficult situations, while still attempting to align them with their own values (Stuart, 2009).

Professional development is about constantly improving your knowledge base concerning theory, new practices, and new language, so as to cater to the current drifts that the field or world may take (Stuart, 2009).

Supervision involves holding yourself accountable to what and how you teach the clients around you, as well as seeking supervision from those who work above you (Stuart, 2009).

Diversity involves accepting the individuals that come your way, whether they have a disability, different skin color, different religion, or different beliefs (Stuart, 2009).


Stuart, C. (2009). Foundations of Child and Youth Care: Second Edition. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Competency of Supervision Proven:

Supervision in the workforce and in education are very important because it keeps those working above you in a constant line of communication and understanding of who you are as an individual and the systems in your life that affect you. 

In my past employment and through the past two semesters at Fleming College, I have done my very, very best at seeking supervision at appropriate times and in professional manners.

I do not always succeed in my efforts to seek supervision, however, I know that I am only human and I will keep working towards having a consistent habit of seeking supervision.

At the beginning of my first semester, I emailed all my professors a short biography of myself and the challenges I may face in college, and how I may address them. In doing so, I developed a good rapport with my professors and it received many positive responses.

A picture of the email is attached below.