

Communication involves the sub-domains of verbal and non-verbal communication, written communication, information technology and communication, and professionals and the community.

Verbal and non-verbal communication is an important aspect when working with families, so as to not cause confusion, or discourse, especially when unsuspecting tones or body language may make the person assume bad intentions (Stuart, 2009).

Written communication must be properly worded and expressed using the appropriate language in context to the situation, so as to not cause further unwanted assumptions (Stuart, 2009).

Information technology and communication involve the careful use of private information and documents; with vigilant attention to the client and their personal privacy (Stuart, 2009).

Professionals and the community is about learning from the community you are situated in, and networking with other professionals to help identify better or current practices and current issues that may be occurring (Stuart, 2009).


Stuart, C. (2009). Foundations of Child and Youth Care: Second Edition. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Competency of Written Communication Proven:

Proper writing, spelling, and use of words are important in the professional world, especially when emails are exchanged or reports must be written.

If a report on a client was not written or worded properly, there may be many complications for the client, the agency, and the professional themselves.

Writing can be practised and improved upon, especially when you have the availability of another person reading and marking your work.

In my Communications class in my first semester, I scored with a final grade of 90%. I scored 100% on all the weekly blogs I wrote, and an average of 97% on the mandatory assignments, with one scoring 100%

Below is a link to my second WordPress site, which includes all the writing I have done for that course.

Competency of Technology Proven:

Navigating technology can be difficult for some, but for me, it has always made sense and I have always excelled at it.

In the professional world today, technology is highly relied upon for advertising, communication, information, and networking, to name a few.

It would be difficult to find a job that WOULD NOT require some sort of experience using technology, seeing as many businesses utilize computers, tablets, Microsoft and Apple programs, and smartphones.

In my first-semester Computing course, I often did very well and the professor could not help but be astounded by my performance.

I received a final grade of 94% and I am very proud of myself for achieving that!

Competency of Professionals and the Community Proven:

Working with other professionals and the community is an important part of situating your self and your professional presence. Networking and volunteering will not only increase your professional background, but you will also build a good rapport with the people in your community that you may interact with daily, and through that, healthy relationships will form.

Below is a link to my second WordPress site. An interview was held with a professional in the community, and I wrote a Profile of her and her business.

Through this Profile, she gained more customers at her store and I gained a grade of 100%. Through my relationship with Shaundra, I have also gained a good rapport with many professionals in the City of Peterborough.
