Read! Dream!! Achieve!!!

Author: John Nishore Michael Bharathi

Pitches do have Dreams!

Pitching isn’t just a presentation; it’s an opportunity to breathe life into dreams.

I’ve done nearly 20 pitches throughout my journey. The night before the pitches are the one that excites me the most. Because it is the day where I know for sure that in the next morning only one of the following will unfold: either the continuation of the dream or its cessation.

Having navigated through various pitches, I’ve learned that it’s not just about the idea; it’s about how passionately and convincingly you present it. Confidence is contagious, and a well-articulated pitch can leave a lasting impression.

Amidst the pitches I’ve undertaken, there’s always one that stands out as the “dreamest.” And my dreamest pitch is this one. As a 30 seconds constraint is given, Each word spoken, each image presented, is infused with a heightened sense of purpose. For me, this particular pitch carries the weight of aspirations, and the stakes feel higher than ever. It’s an opportunity to push boundaries and make dreams take flight.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

Wayne Gretzky

This means that if you don’t take a chance, you’ll never know what could have been.  So I’m taking this chance humbly to pitch for an internship. The video below isn’t just another pitch; it’s an opportunity to embark on my new chapter of dreams. 

Conditional Formatting in Enactus Scoring Model

As, I have mentioned in my Previous blog, I am continuing with How I used conditional formatting for the assignment Enactus Scoring Model.

I ensured that Scores are in drop down box, So that the person can choose from the set of predefined values, instead of random values.

Based on the inputs score will be calculated based on the scoring rubric. So that if scoring rubric is changed, the table will be changed automatically. And you can see that conditional formatting is applied for each cell.

Weightage points is based on the criteria and their weights sheet. And conditional formatting is applied to that table also.

Based on the sum of all weightage, the projects are ranked. And the first 4 ranks are selected.

And at last comes my favourite part of the assignment. The Dashboard…

This dashboard ensures that everyone can know about the details about individual project. By using conditional formatting, it helps to know for much it excelled in each criteria.

Happy Conditional Formatting!!!

Conditional Formatting & Project Managers!

I would like to mention some instances where I have used the conditional formatting while doing my assignments.

  • Creating a Course Calendar

Here I have used conditional Formatting to have different colours for my assignment Status. It will be in green if the assignment is completed. It will be in light red if the assignment is nearing the due date.

  • Creating a database to select the best Car for buying second hand:

In this green colour is filled for boxes which gives the top 10 profit%. Red is filled in boxes which should be completely avoided next time. Meanwhile red coloured boxes are used to denote the cars which should be bought with some amount of concern.

  • Project Selection Scoring Models

And for the next assignment Project Selection Scoring Models, even more conditional formatting will be used. And yes Gifs will be uploaded for that too..

So Stay Tuned for further Updates!

Who Am I?

Hey there I’m John Michael.

Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing.!!


What been I’ve doing?

Over the past 4 years, I’ve been working as a project coordinator at Demos India Project Ltd. And Expovan, where I’ve really sharpened my skills and developed a passion for project management. These experiences have played a role in shaping my career goals.

Project Manager

Why am I here?

Now as I embark on this chapter of my life, I am thrilled to be pursuing a Project Management Graduate Certificate course at Fleming College. This decision comes from my desire to become one of the top-notch Project Managers in the industry and take my career to heights.

So, What’s next?

Once I complete my Post Graduate Certificate program, I am eager to dive into the job market as a Project Manager ready to turn my dream of becoming a Project Manager into reality. The upcoming challenges excite me immensely. I am fully prepared to put in the work and dedication required for success, in this dynamic field.

Thank you for being a part of my story. Stay tuned for more updates!

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