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Conditional Formatting & Project Managers!

I would like to mention some instances where I have used the conditional formatting while doing my assignments.

  • Creating a Course Calendar

Here I have used conditional Formatting to have different colours for my assignment Status. It will be in green if the assignment is completed. It will be in light red if the assignment is nearing the due date.

  • Creating a database to select the best Car for buying second hand:

In this green colour is filled for boxes which gives the top 10 profit%. Red is filled in boxes which should be completely avoided next time. Meanwhile red coloured boxes are used to denote the cars which should be bought with some amount of concern.

  • Project Selection Scoring Models

And for the next assignment Project Selection Scoring Models, even more conditional formatting will be used. And yes Gifs will be uploaded for that too..

So Stay Tuned for further Updates!

1 Comment

  1. Vivek Vijayan Chovva

    Fanstatic work in Conditional formatting.. Kudos !

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