Week #6

Week #6

Unfortunately, I was ill today and after much consideration I chose to stay home. This is always a hot topic when to stay home and when you should send your kids to school or daycare. For myself I was on day two of a fever, I had a barking cough, and zero energy. I knew how important my presence is in the program and with the limited amount of time we are given with the children every missed opportunity to build rapport matters. However, the thought of passing on my illness outweighed my presence and I gracefully stayed home warm in bed.

It’s no secret that daycares and kindergarten rooms are filled with germs, runny noses, and children that are eager to share. Sicknesses start and are passed around as quickly as they come into the centre. But, when should a family keep their child home or an educator use one of their few sick days? Of course, a lot of factors come into place for some parents one being they don’t have sick days so keeping the child home means a day without pay. Finding someone to watch your children can be hard enough but when they are sick that’s a whole new story and less people are eager to volunteer. On top of it how many days are recommended to keep your child home before they are well enough to go back to school or daycare? I know for my family we stick to the 24-hour rule. 24 hours of no fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and overall the energy is back.  

As a parent I am not naive to the struggles that come when your child is sick. I know that it’s hard financially and keeping your child home for multiple days can be a tiring. However, I think that it’s important that we remember that we are a community and we must look out for each others well-being. So, no matter how hard it is please keep your children home so their bodies can rest, and they can come back ready and eager to engage in their learning journey. Germs are inevitable and are children are going to get sick, but we can help spread them. So, keep your jammies on, grab a cup of something warm to enjoy your movies with as you snuggle safe and sound with your babies.

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