Week #4

Week #4

Mock set up was a success! Today we did a trial run of all the centres we wanted to set up. In the beginning we had a lot of reflection and some of our visions weren’t as successful as we had initially planned but overall, I think that is what the point of the set up was for. We still have areas that need to be adjusted and I think that will come as we bring the children in and see where their interests are. The Mount truly has this magical feeling to it, and I hope that the children can feel the same sense of belonging as us students do. I was great to have healthy disagreements, ideas, and trials put into place as it gave me the confidence that I truly am working beside some great educators in training.

            Of course, there are still some jitters that are floating around such as the flow of the first day, how we are going to connect to families and what if we have some difficult ones. In a strange way I think it would serve as a good opportunity if we did have a difficult family so together with our facility we learnt how to deal and cope with harder situations. To think that everything will always run smoothly, all ideas will be agreed on, and parents will give us open power would be very naive. We have decided that next week we are going into the program with no agenda and using that day as a way to build connections, get to know the parents, and share with them the passion that we are eager to put forward with their children. I still feel a little bit of nervousness, but I feel as though it’s perfectly normal and feeling this way shows that I really care.

            So, here’s to a great open house, great children, and great families. If I am being bias, I think that our set up was very inviting. We had mirrors and loose parts set up to incorporate shadows and lights. We had an art section, creative play, house centre, cozy corner, sensory table, and blocks with provocations all inviting and welcoming to fun. The outdoor section is warm and full of life and I can’t wait to get some documentation up so the center can feel like home; warm and full of life.

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