Week #2

Week #2

                Another week has passed and the anticipation of the child project coming to a start has me jittery. If I’m being honest, last weeks class left me with a lot of information and a wondering mind on how to process and imagine the big picture. As we waited patiently for the moving van to arrive, there was an excitement that was shared between my peers and myself. We unloaded boxes, slides, and tiny chairs and it was in this moment that the words we spoke were coming to life. In a few short weeks we will open the door to a fabulous program that I know is a shared passion between everyone in the room, students and mentors. It’s thrilling and nerving that little footstep and children’s laughter will echo off the walls brining life to the beautiful room we have thoughtfully displayed.

                Today in class we gathered into groups to converse deep thinking topics such as does cultures influence a child’s development? What defines a family? And, what qualities make a quality care centre? We agreed to disagree, we shared new views, but the common ending to all conversations is that we all wanted what was best for our newest generation of children in our care. We want to provide quality care and that involves thoughtful planning, open minds, and forming meaningful relations with both children and their families. At a time where shortages are threatening our abilities to provide adequate care because of funding and staffing, it’s essential that we have quality educators and it was evident today that we will have them entering the field; proving this in the children’s program.

                Deep thinking and collaboration are becoming very clear to success and although we learn the importance in previous semesters, having the opportunity to put it into real life work is quiet rewarding. I am confident in my team and excited to continue this journey with them. I truly am excited for the weeks to come and to watch all our ideas come to life as we strive to make this the best children’s program yet.

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